![[logo.png]] [[home|Home]] | [[who-we-are|Who We Are]] | [[what-we-do|What We Do]] | [[testimonies|Testimonials]] | [[material-donations|Material Donations]] | [[donate|Donate]] | [[contact|Contact]] # DONATE & HELP Angels are Moving has almost exclusively been self-funded since 2012.  After the initial outlay for a truck (I was driving an Elantra when I started) and 3 trailers (10' and 16' utility, 16' cargo), my biggest ongoing expenses include gas, truck maintenance, maintenance for my 3 trailers, and dollies.  There are myriad other expenses including gloves, plastic wrap, washer/ dryer accessories like hoses, cords, and vents, etc.  I would dearly love to expand my available storage facilities as I have had to turn away donations because of lack of storage space. I have been asked many times in the past if I would accept money donations for this ministry and I almost always refused because I was not a 501c3 and did not want to be seen as offering services for payment. As Angels are Moving ministry is now (as of Sept 2018) a 501c3 nonprofit, I am happy to accept monetary donations.  I will never ask for a donation from someone in need, but if there are those who want to further my ministry and make services possible that may not have been offered before because of lack of funds, I now welcome the monetary donations. An interested party can contact me directly to donate via check or use the Paypal link [here](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=AJD2NXZKTF636&source=url) or use the QR code below.  The Paypal option requires its usual fees for approved non-profits (2.2% + $.30 per transaction). ![[paypal.png | center | 200]] ![[qrcode.png | center | 200]]